Pregame Checklist

Soccer Dual Pregame Checklist
NFHS Rules / Mechanics / Signals


Check nets/field as a crew. Goal anchored? Clock running? Determine with coaches coin toss time: Anthem/Starting Lineups? Uniforms legal? Jewelry? Horn for subs? Table instructed. Determine Administrator in Charge and Trainer. Ball pressure/retrievers. R leads all discussions and is the primary voice of the crew. Certify coaches and address sportsmanship

Announce Starting Lineup

Crew stands behind table to avoid handshake from each player being announced.


Each official has responsibility for one end line and one touch line. As L, move even with last defender parallel with the touch line. Pinch in towards the goal as you near the end line. As T, move with play behind the attack. T official comes as deep into the offensive half as type of game/his speed and fitness allow.  Both officials try to “box in” players at all times and keep players in front of them. Pinch in toward center circle when and where possible to get a better view and to lend presence (No need to be out standing on touchline if no players out there!). Directional points should be arm fully extended with thumb flat (see p. 108 NFHS rulebook). Need help with out of bounds call?...make eye contact with partner and use pre-arranged signal to indicate direction. Officiating the game is not “social time” for extended interactions with coaches or spectators before/during/after the game.

Kick Off

L stands near to even with second-to-last defender. L makes eye contact with T and point when field is ready. T in position to see encroachment and proper kickoff. GKs ready? Timer?

T (behind the ball) blows whistle to start and winds arm forward (NFHS signal). Has the clock started?


Subs at table prior to whistle. Horn needed. Subs beckoned. Both officials raise one hand/arm in “Stop” signal. Always restart whistle by official on touch line where ball is being thrown, L on corner kick, and T on goal kick. Unlike USSF, do not demand players leave field before subs enter. Table side official drops arm and points in direction of play when exiting players are out of play but not necessarily off the field.

Out of Bounds/Touchline

No whistle needed unless there is confusion (play continues after ball is out, etc.) “On” official signals direction with the arm pointing in the direction play is headed. No “cross-body” pointing. Hold arm direction signal for a beat so other official and table (potential subs) can see.

Throw In

First signal MUST always be direction (so table and partner and teams can see) and NOT where the ball should be thrown in!  If the official restarting play is the L, make sure to be ahead of the play anticipating the ball will go forward. If you are the T restarting play, the official should be behind the thrower to watch for illegality. “On” official needs to be on or very near touch line


Slow whistle to be sure player is involved. Better a second late than a second early Faster whistle to avoid GK collision. No offsides directly from corner kick, goal kick, or throw in. Whistle, brief hands-off-hips signal, then IFK signal mirrored by both officials. Restart location OK?

Goal Kick

L (now becoming new T) indicates with arm extended parallel to ground or slightly lower to the goal area. Proper ball placement? Delay by kicking team? (warn verbally first). Kicking team cannot “set ball” twice. If subs, then restart whistle. Restart position top of the penalty area (if defender kicking) or near second-to-last defender (if GK kicking). Kick leaves penalty area?

Corner Kick

L official signals with high directional point (best to point toward corner where kick will be taken so there is no confusion). Keep looking at players/field when pointing. L stands off the end line near the goal. Verbally warn jostling players if needed. L watches kick and ball to see if it stays in play, then quickly switches view to where ball will land. T as near the top of the 18 as possible (beware fast attacker near midline!) sees if ball properly placed on his corner arc then focuses on players in box and GK. Do not need 2 sets of eyes on ball as it is in the air! T official: are you ready/fast enough for a kick counter?


Hold whistle for a second as there might be advantage. If there is, verbalize and signal; if it does not materialize, bring ball back and free kick. For high school play, think about what a team would like. Would they like a free kick (probably so in their defensive third) or would they like advantage (heading in toward goal with a chance to score, etc.). Direct or indirect? If IFK, both officials raise arms and lower when ball touches second player. T can come up and help with ball placement and calming presence. L has any restart whistle when needed (if asked for). Sometimes the T or “off” official needs to make a call near or behind the L who has switched his view tosee offsides.


Defender not giving ten or not moving to give ten: warn verbally first. Defender rushes in to stand in front of ball= caution. If defender not exactly ten away but offense is happy and plays the ball and defender stays passive…if ball hits him= no call. If defender moves to stop ball=rekick with verbal warning or caution. Defending player behind the ball has 10yd. requirement, too.


Whole ball over whole line: L needs to sell call by presence. L stop the clock. Point toward center circle. Whistle needed only if there is confusion. Both officials keep eyes on heated players.


Stop clock. Continue to watch players and field. Both officials should not be writing simultaneously. Explain to player (Get ###!) and then explain to coaches. If challenged, brief explanation. “Coach, my job is to inform you, not convince you.” Replacement from the bench allowed. Subs from table allowed. Keep in mind: what stopped play? Even if misconduct afterwards…never take away the original restart. Give a card with a calm voice, not an angry voice.

Penalty Kick

Most often L calls this, but T can as well. Stop clock, official points to the spot. T oversees players placement/encroachment. L hands ball to kicker with instruction then moves to instruct GK then moves to end line position off the field. Asks GK if ready, then whistle. Review procedures for proper kick, encroachment and play continuing/restart in the pre-game conference.


Table side official freezes benches. Both officials make whistle/verbal/physical presence. Get ###’s! Only as a last resort to prevent injury do you touch/grab a player.

End of Game

All officials keep eyes on players as they exit the field. Leave field together. Watch handshake only if needed. Beware comments that can be heard by spectators on way to cars. Leaving items at the table means you have to go to the table to retrieve and this just invites an angry coach to “get a last word in.”

Random Points

For a tournament, protect the team that is “going on” (Losing team has little to lose with misconduct)

Persistent Infringement. Series/multiple fouls by 1) same player 2) same team 3) on another team’s star player, etc.

Do not be in a hurry to stop clock for an injury (particularly GK) if unsure of severity. What is the restart? Who had possession of the ball?

Wear sunglasses only if needed by prescription.

Spectator removal for abuse, etc: have game site administrator do this.

Last two minutes of a close game. When might you need to stop the clock: discuss.

Soccer Diagonal Pregame Checklist
NFHS Rules and Procedures


Check nets/field as a crew. Goal anchored? Clock running? Determine with coaches coin toss time:  Anthem/Starting Lineups? Uniforms legal? Jewelry? Horn for subs? Table instructed. Determine Administrator in Charge and Trainer. Ball pressure/retrievers. R leads all discussions and is the primary voice for the crew. Certify coaches and address sportsmanship.

Announce Starting Lineup

Crew stands behind table to avoid handshake from each player being announced.

International walk-out = Referee team leads starting 11 from each team to mid field, faces crowd for announcing line ups. (Sometimes used at VPA Finals)

No International walk-out – After anthem, referee team should still go to mid field together, R carries ball, ARs on right and left of R, flags furled and at their side.  Shake hands in the middle, ARs move quickly to goals and do a final check of the nets and goal positions, then move to touch line to await kick off.

Kick Off

AR’s flag unfurled after final check of net/count players. R makes eye contact with both ARs.

GKs ready? Timer?


AR signals facing field and stationary…brief eye contact with R. AR steps onto field when needed (only to intervene with players after the whistle has sounded or to set a defensive wall or insure proper ball placement in their area of responsibility or for the taking of a PK, all other times AR does not enter field). Vocal communication with R when needed since no headset. Subtle hand signals when needed.


Both ARs signal so that R need not “look back behind him and away from the ball/players” after beckoning.  Subs at table prior to whistle and then must be beckoned by the R after Horn sounded. Always restart whistle by R. Unlike USSF, do not demand players leave field before subs enter. AR table side drops flag when exiting players are out of play but not necessarily off the field.

Throw In

 R and AR can help verbally to player with location of throw-in. AR watches legality and ball entering field legally. At this point R is best served watching where ball will land, especially if close to PA.

Out of Bounds

AR signals direction in the hand direction is going. No “cross-body” pointing. Hold for 3-5 seconds so R and table (potential subs) can see. AR always watches field and players and does not collect ball. OOB and ball returns quickly to the field: flag straight up by AR…eye contact with R (whistle)… then direction.


R checks quickly with AR when ball crosses midfield or is played beyond the second-to-last defender. Better a second late than a second early with raising the flag. Slow flag to be sure player is involved. Faster flag to avoid GK collision. Hold flag upright in the right arm until recognized by R or defense gets a good/safe possession away from the goal. AR signals Far/Middle/Near with flag.

Goal Kick

AR needs to hustle to be near the corner flag when ball crosses end line. Then stop, face field, and signal into the field. On restart, brief check at the 6 (ball placement) and then at the 18 if the kick is taken by a defender – even with the second to last defender if taken by the GK.

Corner Kick

AR needs to hustle to keep going to near the corner flag when ball crosses end line. AR points at flag at downward 45-degree angle. Ball positioned correctly? Correct verbally if needed. Stand behind flag on the kick. Stand in front of ball on subs.


Let R have first crack. Then AR raises flag and wiggle with arm of the offending team. Whistle by R then directional point by AR with same arm that raised the flag. If confusion, little signal indicating what the foul was or verbally. On free kick near AR that draws R over…do not watch R but rather players behind him. Foul behind the R…signaled by trailing AR…needs to be mirrored by far side lead AR.

Goal Signal

AR runs to midline but looking back into field/players/R.


AR points to badge=yellow. To back pocket=red. Verbal explanation okay. Get Jersey ##!!

Penalty Kick

AR sees foul inside that 18 that must be called or that R misses or is blocked from seeing: flag raised and wiggle…get eye contact with R…then drop flag and hold the flag parallel to the ground at the mid-section of the body to indicate a PK from the AR. Once the PK is acknowledged by R – blows whistle and points to spot, AR moves to position on line intersection of PA and GL and watches goal line and GK encroachment. If play continues after PK, quickly resume position to judge offsides (cutting corner of the field if necessary).


AR allowed to handle verbally on those close to him. AR can enter field to set defensive wall in area of responsibility or to insure proper ball placement

Misconduct. Play stopped

ARs prevents others on or off field to interfere with procedure. AR1 bench side freezes the benches. AR2 gets on the field at the point of misconduct.

End of Game

Officials meet at midfield and then move toward bench area to monitor handshake, if monitoring needed. All officials keep eyes on players as players exit the field. Leave field together.  Beware comments that can be heard by spectators on way to cars. Leaving items at the table means you have to go to the table to retrieve and this just invites an angry coach to “get a last word in.”

Random Points

For a tournament, protect the team that is “going on” (Losing team has little to lose with misconduct)

Persistent Infringement. Series/multiple fouls by 1) same player 2) same team 3) on another team’s star player, etc.

Do not be in a hurry to stop clock for an injury (particularly GK) if unsure of severity. What is the restart? Who had possession of the ball?

Wear sunglasses only if needed by prescription.

Spectator removal for abuse, etc: have game site administrator do this.

Last two minutes of a close game. When might you need to stop the clock? : discuss.